We have officially wrapped up our 2020 season. I want to thank everyone who helped make this turbulent year happen.
Overall, 98.5% of you consented to treatment this year. With your help we treated 12,200 residences which came to roughly 4324.5 acres. This year we trapped 4,490 Japanese beetles in total; 4,218 in the Cedar Mill area. The overall number of beetles trapped in 2020 was down 42% from the previous year. There was a 58% reduction in the number of beetles trapped within our 2019 treatment boundary as a result of the 2019 granular and 2020 foliar treatments. We saw a 67% decrease within the boundaries of the supplementary foliar treatment. In order to eradicate this pest, we plan to continue our treatment next season. We will continue our aggressive approach in 2021 while we have the upper hand. We are currently planning our 2021 treatment boundary and will share it once it is finalized. We urge everyone to continue not participating in plant exchanges and to adhere to the yard debris quarantine to prevent the spread of the Japanese beetle. Again, we thank you all for your continued support helping Oregon eradicate the Japanese beetle. It wouldn’t be possible without all of you! Comments are closed.
Header photograph by Whitney Cranshaw, bugwood.org
January 2024